Netizen Corporation
SeaPort-e Portal
Welcome to the SeaPort-e website for Netizen Corporation, contract no. N00178-16-D-8910.
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Quality Assurance
Contract Number: N00178-16-D-8910
Netizen Corporation utilizes an advanced Quality Management system that is in accordance with ISO 9001:2008 principles and ensures that communication is open, transparent and frequent between customer organizations and our highly qualified Team personnel. Every deliverable undergoes technical and clerical reviews prior to submission to ensure that all pertinent issues are correctly addressed and that the customer can use the item as intended.
Netizen also utilizes an electronic Quality Assurance deliverable tracking and measurement system to minimize paper resources, track accountability and timeliness, and reduce costs wherever possible. At the conclusion of each Task Order, Netizen will perform a full evaluation of the deliverable quality. The data supporting the evaluation will consist of both Netizen Team information and feedback solicited from the customer. This data is then submitted through a senior manager review and approval process, then stored electroncially in our QA system archive for easy reference.